
Expert-Led Webinars by Industry Leaders
These webinars offer an invaluable learning experience that covers various facets of the industry, from emerging trends to practical applications.
Team business people in board room meeting on big desk at the office
Accounting for Captive Insurance Companies
Business man shaking hands to signify new acquisition
Investment Strategies & Asset Allocation – Now What?
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Online Event

With the Covid-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, the war in Ukraine, and levels of inflation not seen in decades...

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Captive Insurance Industry Review
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Online Event

2018 was a challenging year for captive insurance with an uncertain investment environment, continued tax scrutiny and consolidations among...

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Agency & Entrepreneurial Captives
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Online Event

While captives have traditionally insured the risks of their parent organizations, there is a growing trend to use captives to insure...

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Professionals attending Captive Insurance informational session
Captives 101 – A Global Perspective
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Online Event

Regional Manager, Strategic Risk Solutions. Rebecca is responsible for our captive management operations in the District of Columbia...

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