Expert Captive Insurance 
Education for Brokers

Transform Client Relationships and Grow Your Book of Business

person on cell phone with financial chart SRS Captive Insurance

You Need More than a One-Size-Fits-All Solution for Your Clients

Traditional insurance solutions are limited. They don’t meet the diverse and specific needs of your clients. This gap can limit your ability to stand out in the market and threaten client loyalty and retention.

With the industry rapidly evolving, staying informed and adapting to new trends is crucial. Yet, finding reliable, up to-date information and innovative solutions that satisfy your clients can be challenging and time-consuming.
broker smiling with arms crossed SRS Captive Insurance
With our expertise, you can confidently expand your offerings with innovative insurance solutions, growing your book of business and transforming client relationships.

Created By the World's Largest Independent Insurance Company Manager

At SRS, we empower businesses to control and leverage risk through alternative insurance solutions with unparalleled advice and management.

Our free educational feed is built on 25 years of expertise in the global captive insurance industry. It’s more than informative—it’s strategically valuable.

Our feed is designed by industry-leading professionals who manage over 900 insurance entities and handle $7.3 billion in client premiums.

  • Protect your book of business with advanced insights
  • Gain knowledge that helps you offer effective captive insurance solutions
  • Help your clients stay a step ahead in the competitive landscape

Our insights aren’t just theoretical. They’re born from real-world success and constant innovation in the field.


Your Path to 

  1. Sign Up for the FREE Educational Feed

    Our exclusive educational feed is your gateway to a wealth of knowledge about captive insurance and management. Sign up and gain access to insights and trends that will keep you at the forefront of the industry.

  2. Learn About Captives

    You’ll stay informed and ahead of the curve in a dynamic market. Explore comprehensive learning resources that help you make informed decisions and offer your clients the most innovative solutions.

  3. Gain a Trusted Partner

    Get more than information—get a collaborative relationship that supports your growth and enhances your expertise. At SRS, we’re dedicated to helping you build lasting client relationships.

Secure Your Success

Navigating this evolving industry without the right resources can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities, hurting your hard-earned book of business.

Being equipped with the latest information and innovative strategies isn’t just advantageous. It’s essential.

Our educational feed arms you with the knowledge, insights, and tools necessary to offer your clients alternative insurance solutions.

Become an empowered leader in your field, secure client loyalty, and grow your book of business.
working together image SRS Captive Insurance
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